One of the first stages of personal grief is denial and not rather acceptance

  Follow the money trail, one of the oldest rules of good journalism, it will tell you how effective the ministers, cops, RCMP, civil and public servants, professionals,  now really are too.
How do they abuse your tax money?
You know I get a kick out of those lying spin  doctors,  police officers, bad cops, union representatives, police lovers, bad PERSONS   who STILL DO say that ALL OF  bad people, INCLUDING the ALCOHOLICS, the bad cops and their bad supervisors too they  can always be rehabilitated, retrained.. and how many millions of them now has this happened to them.. almost none.. a bad apple tends to get worse.. The RCMP maximum 10 days punishment is always absurd, permanent dismissal is what is always needed with the bad cops and their clearly bad superiors who had managed and hired them too.. Bad solicitor generals as well should be fired ASAP. NOW WHY IS IT BAD PEOPLE DO NOT CHANGE NEXT BESIDE THE FACT THEY LIKE TO DO BAD THINGS, IT IS ALSO CAUSE THEY FALSELY  REFUSE TO ADMIT THE THINGS THEY DO ARE BAD.
Not just in Churches, among the police, politicians, civil and public servants, but I have never seem so many lying, mental people in one place like I have among  the medical workers I have dealt with this year in  in Hospitals, convalescent, old age homes who really do delude themselves too often about their self importance and the positive role they are functioning in.  When a  professional cannot see what they are doing now is simply  so wrong they themselves do now need real professional help too.
The People who lie often, the  professionals now included, they tend to have severe personal,  mental disorders next cause one tends to eventually believe next ones lies as being the truth, and they can no no longer differentiate their own lies from reality, the truth.
Narcissistic, selfish, self centered  Mental Disorders too evident now even in many of the so called medical Professionals leads  these persons to  dwell in self-absorption, fantasy, illusion, where she or he has exaggerated claims to talents, importance, or specialness,  manifesting evidence  of a need for constant admiration from others,  a lack of empathy for all others, persistent in this too,  have rigid personality traits and coping styles, clearly  inflexible, do show a  hypersensitivity to any criticism , defeat or  negative realities thus they rather  are pathological in  denial by the their falsity, contrived replacement of the truths which they still must  face eventually .  These SEVERE PERSONALITY disorders are generally personally ongoing too leading to more impaired social and/or occupational functioning and can make it difficult to pinpoint a clear dividing line between their  pathology and their so called normality.
Most of these people with their personality disorders may not perceive that there is anything wrong with their behavior and thus they are not motivated to change it. It is important to note that these  personality disorders are considered to have their onset in late adolescence or early adulthood and they alone are responsible for it too.
Denial, it is very very common when many an individual, even among   so called professionals, even in pastors now included,  are openly confronted with their own wrong doings, that they resort to a false denial. When confronted with the truth the denier they  often respond with a similar personal counter attack remark as   ”you are crazy”.  “I reject your reality… and substitute my own.”  Their false denial, diversion, distortion does not change the negative reality about themselves still though.  Sadly it is a negative natural human tendency to devolve into denial.”    It’s not just a moral compass that’s lacking, but the ability to honest, or to stand apart.
Denial often comes out of a false pride, a fear of being openly exposed as being wrong. Denial is a false convenient escape, excuse for inaction  for persons now  facing a situation that requires a decision or action that conflicts with his or her established past policy. Denial too often can be  further disastrous upon themselves and others.. for denial is not seeing data at all or seeing it and coming to an erroneous conclusion within oneself. One’s false denial is often based on a false assumption  of one’s past great success and often precedes their own severe personal failure next due to a personal disconnect with real life. Illustrated fully by the story of the Emperor with new clothes.
Denial (also called abnegation) is a defense mechanism postulated by Sigmund Freud, in which a person is faced with a fact that is too uncomfortable to accept and rejects it instead, insisting that it is not true despite what may be overwhelming evidence, a mechanism of the immature mind that conflicts with the ability to learn from and cope with reality. The subject may now deny the reality of the unpleasant fact altogether (simple denial), admit the fact but deny its seriousness (minimization) or admit both the fact and seriousness but deny responsibility (transference). The concept of denial is particularly related to the denial of one’s addiction to alcohol for example, or to one slandering others, abusing them stealing, lying.. their denial or their  minimization of their own wrong doings is the  essential part of what enables them next to to continue his or her behavior in the face of evidence that, to an outsider, that is   overwhelming.   “The American Heart Association cites denial as a principal reason that treatment of a heart attack is delayed. Because the symptoms are so varied, and often have other potential explanations, the opportunity exists for the patient to deny the emergency, often with fatal consequences. It is common for patients to delay mammograms or other tests because of a fear of cancer, even though this is clearly maladaptive.”

Types of Denial include now the Denial of fact: This form of denial is where someone avoids a fact by lying. This lying can take the form of an outright falsehood (commission), leaving out certain details in order to tailor a story (omission), This form of denial involves avoiding personal responsibility by blaming, minimizing or justifying.

Denial of responsibilityDenial of impact: avoiding thinking about or understanding the harms their behavior have caused to themselves or others.

Denial of awareness: they do not admit any previous awareness of the negative reality.

Denial of cycle: Denial of cycle is where a person avoids looking at their decisions leading up to an event or does not consider their pattern of decision making and how harmful behavior is repeated.

Denial of denial:  This latter form of denial typically overlaps with all of the other forms of denial, but involves more self-delusion. People in a false denial are really nuts, delusional..

There are tools and practices that we can implement to overcome the psychological trap of denial. Public exposure and prosecution of the guilty is one of the best approach serving everyone’s best interest too. It is a clearly established fact with good basis as to why our Canadian leaders, politicians, police, military, public and civil servants  who are always to be exemplary are even personally are to held to a higher standard, accountability in reality.

People in leadership office do have to face higher penalties as an example now too. It is clearly established, accepted fact by most people that those in leadership civil and public servants cops, teachers, ministers, politicians included  are always to be exemplary in behavior,  conduct and they do need to maintain their high standards even out of their working hours, thus to do so they are also to be exemplary  judged, prosecuted  for their own wrong doings with a higher standard over those of us ordinary folks.

You see I can tell the truth cause I do not have a boss, I  am not an ass kisser, I am not running for any office, or selling anything, I am not hiding anything , I  am nothing but an ordinary honest, mature, decent  person.
When you honestly use your own almost non existent right of free speech to point out to the cops how bad they really are, one of the first stages of their personal grief is their  false denial, they need professional help here  too, and they response you are crazy, this diversion tactic does not change how bad they are, how too lazy they are to change themselves now too. Police like to label, bash others as criminals, but as uncorrectable persons, but when they do they same thing, they claim they can be retrained, corrected, such hypocrites they now are as well. One of the first things the police do about their accuser is to harass them, pay them back, investigate the accuser and not the complaint now too. I have been too often falsely police harassed myself.
Imagine this the new email programs including windows live and google mail  are now all designed to keep all your emails on an exterior server for 30 days so the cops can read and access them at any time. The cops reading your email and seeing what you do on the net next as well.. a clear police state.
see also

foreign workers alleged to be abused in Alberta


Foreign workers in Alberta alleged to be abused  even by the federal government

“A group of Edmonton janitors is suing a cleaning company for $42,435 over allegations that overtime money is being held back and that they have been threatened with deportation. The janitors, many of whom are temporary foreign workers from the Philippines, say their employer, University of Alberta contractor Bee Clean Building Maintenance, is refusing to pay them tens of thousands of dollars in overtime. When the non-unionized workers questioned the company about the alleged lost wages, they claim they were being threatened with deportation. Danilo DeLeon, who is a temporary foreign worker from the Philippines, moved to Edmonton to work for Bee Clean about a year and a half ago. He said he works five, 12-hour shifts every week, with an extra seven-hour shift on what would otherwise be his day off. DeLeon said he’s supposed to get time and a half for anything more than 80 hours every two weeks. But Bee Clean has refused to pay, he claimed. When he told his employer he would contact a union or the Ministry of Labour about Bee Clean’s refusal to pay him, DeLeon said his boss threatened to have him deported. “My supervisor threatened to send me back home. He said the owner was upset,” he said. Yessy Byl, a temporary foreign worker advocate with the Alberta Federation of Labour, said the Bee Clean case is a prime example of exploitative issues temporary foreign workers across Canada face on a daily basis. Byl said the federal and provincial governments do nothing to protect temporary foreign workers if they are wrongfully terminated. In fact, governments make it impossible for the worker to get a new job, and in the end the worker is deported, she said. At no time does the employer get prosecuted by the federal government or provincial government [for the wrongful termination], she said. Its the workers who end up bearing the burden. There are more than 60,000 temporary foreign workers in Alberta, according to provincial officials.”  

Canada’s medical care services are too often pretentious, unacceptable


I have for my liking now in Canada also met  too many bad doctors and bad  nurses, bad hospital managers, pretentious professionals  in my life in reality too  Even Doctors who had abused their research grants now too.


The numbers of new Cancer, Heart cases and deaths are continuing to rise in many parts of Canada even. When it comes to Cancer only about 25 percent  of the deaths now are unavoidable and the balance could have been likley prevented with better education, preventative measure, applicable now to heart deaths as well, all which clearly means our governments, Health Ministers they  are not still doing enough to look after the good welfare of all Canadians these days too. Help for sick, and the dying  is insufficient still. The statistics also suggest 40% of men and 45% of Canadian women will develop cancer during their lifetime. This year, an estimated 173,800 Canadians will be diagnosed with some form of cancer, up by 2,800 over 2009; 76,200 are predicted to die from the disease, an increase of 900 compared to last year. Final medical  care throughout the nation , the attention paid to it, and the help provided for dying at home is not up to the mark and is unacceptably deficient Canada wide too.  ”A variety of benefits and services are available when a new life enters the world. We should be providing just as much support when someone is dying,”


Despite years of many persons complaints now, end-of-life care remains an inadequate, unacceptable  patchwork of help too often and where other related services do exist, the patients too often now are referred to palliative care much too late. . When I do read many news media accounts of the events surrounding all Canadians it seems like the news written applies to another planet, and not the one we are living on herein Canada. The news spins and desertions are grossly immoral as well. For example take the recent media spins on Cancer and on palliative care of dying patients as well  One person’s death that could be prevented and one less person  dying in pain and suffering is never to be considered as unimportant even in the overall picture. Even one person needlessly suffering an agonizing death in pains because they were not given adequate medication, pain killer is also now totally unacceptable.  There’s some real big, major gaps and inconsistencies, governmental and medical cruelty even on how one’s end-of-life care is delivered. Not only is the available   number of hospice beds and quantity of home care   insufficient, even  in the hospitals, but the problem will only get worse as more seniors, almost double the number, next  will retire within the next decade .


And even the professional counseling ,depression services,  end-of-life discussions are significantly missing among the medical  staff and the  families next as well. Social Services in Canada tends to be of any at a crude, bare, simple, basic, pre historic, dinosaur age level.  Most families often don’t use them because they don’t know what supports are available or how to access them. Doctors and the nurses they too often tell you tell you nothing of what you  do need to know still. Too many persons will die first while waiting for either a quality end-of-life care or an adequate place in a medically equipped convalescent old age home.  Too many sick persons die waiting for either a quality end-of-life care or an adequate place in a medically equipped convalescent old age home. Imagine this cruelty, absurdity now as well an overnight palliative care was being stopped because it  exceeded the two-week limit in place.  Now it’s a disgrace that anyone ox subjected to  this during their final days. Many many persons now would in Canada still benefit from a decent end-of-life care but often still don’t get it, in our rather still uncivilized society. Inadequate Services Offered for  “End-of-life”, No Improvement Even  Years  After.  The  special Senate committee had reported uneven access to palliative care in 1995 and a 2005 follow up found little progress now in Canada showing us all how little our politicians do really care about others death, pain, suffering in reality. Mostly lying Health Ministers  say they now are  doing everything they can to help ensure excellence in cancer care for all.. No one should be foolish enough to believe this at any time too. In reality the way the end-of-life care, seniors cares are  now being  delivered clearly shows that there is a need of real federal and provincial management and adequate regulations.


“Although, surprising some related information can be found  it is still rare. “




Canada is definitely not one big Country, but consists of many little countries, or regions that seem to have their own provincial, territorial laws, priorities, their own hidden agendas. The West, the Maritimes, Quebec, Ontario included.  
Yes some of the Canadian concerns Canada wide are very similar:
– For example Consumer protection including the cost of housing, the cost of living, food and clothing included, the cost of insurance, Phone Bills,  and the costs of transportation, gas, heating.
– Next there is the continually serious concern about the actual availability of Medicare, and hospitals as well especially when you are seriously ill, plus the valid concerns  of having the adequate  convalescent homes for the elderly, sick
– Then there is the cost of taxes, in reality and too often everyone pay taxes, and yes they are still too often wasted, and that includes too many hidden taxes now too. Public and Civil servants are rarely known for being well managed, or cost effective, rather they are known as being troublesome, wasteful, expensive, over indulged as well. Especially even the Police, RCMP it seems.
– Then there is the problem of too many crimes, that one tends to be concerned only when one encounters it, abuses,  illicit drugs, thefts, stolen cars, white collar crimes, frauds, identity theft. Here one finds out how too often inadequate, pretentious are the justice ministers and justice systems are now too.

The still unrepentant wicked persons


It is a very serious, gross error to under rate me…
The still unrepentant wicked persons. Now sadly in my course of daily activities, travel I do personally encounter too often still unacceptably abusive, wicked persons   and I have two simple TYPICAL choices: I take an ostrich or sheep approach and I do  pretend, lie  that I  did not see it, or that basically does not concern me or I often rather next do take  real,  positive actions to now insure the same unacceptable wicked person does not repeat their unacceptable bad acts. Depending on the seriousness of the personal act now too.
One reason  too many wicked persons do not repent it cause they seem to think I too am only one person, another one of those too typical complainers, loud mouthed person whose bark is worse than his bite.. and it does seem we have mostly that type of complainers now too.  But in real life there are a few things that get my blood boiling, cause my blood pressure to rise and cause me to act immediately.. that especially includes abusive pastors, abusive cops, abusive medical care workers, and crooked accountants,  bad lawyers, crooked corporate managers, bad politicians, pretentious doctors  and perverse immigration consultants too  now too as you all can see in my posts. 
Now I too have learned the great secret in helping bad people to personally repent or to change their wicked ways.. the public exposure and the demand of their rightful prosecuting, dismissal  of the same  wicked persons, as well as their bad superiors, and generally best done not by a phone call, but rather done in writing, with many copies to the right parties, news media, ministers, elected officials and the general public next too even  such as those you do eventually see on my web blogs and
Sadly even these days Doctors, Nurses, medical support staff  are human, they too sometimes try sometimes to get by with a minimal amount of personal effort, and so as result patients do not always get their proper medical care. They can  severely, seriously compromise the health of patients. A hospital patient may receive up to 12 different kinds of medication, all of which produce side effects, SOME  that can lead to serious complications and even death.
Elderly persons need more special care cause they do tend to lack  the basic vitamins found in our common foods that help also to reduce one’s personal stress and anxiety.. for a hungry persons tends to be continually stressed and anxious and also do often   manifest  depression as well.. and what the classic treatment for depression is time, healing, by giving them proper nourishment, and proper rest and sleep.. in this case supplemented by proper pain killers, not improper pain killers  and/or merely  given proper sleeping pills too. Malnutrition, even starvation was found to be the major cause of death among older people in hospitals. Anxiety stress relief vitamins and minerals work in different ways by providing nutrients which control the metabolism rate and the hormone levels within our bodies. By keeping these two things stable we can provide a better mechanism to cope with stress and anxiety inducing situations. Most of the recommended anxiety stress relief vitamins and minerals can be found in the foods that we eat and can simply be attained by eating a healthy and balanced diet covering all the major food groups. And that is why eating proper foods is important.
 Many of ELDERLY PATIENTS, Active patients are also really still seriously depressed, and an untreated depression does not help their recovery.  A companionate, experienced in house depression counselor can clearly do great work with them and help them to have more  incentive to recover form their sickness, disabilities too. I have not met one good depression counselor yet  .  Treating the elderly as small kids is degrading to them and not beneficial furthermore. We should now treat them all first now with respect, as the adults that they are firstly too..  and with real compassion now in reality too..
A DORVAL QUEBEC CONVALESCENT HOME PATIENTS  had also nothing but really bad services in the ground floor dining room at BOTH lunch and supper for the meals – for the meals  were not prepared on time, the meals were even poorly prepared, the salad with the meals did not have any dressings on them as well, even twice, the supper was almost a repeat of the same lunch time meal too… and  some sick patients did not even  get their meals, some of the meals were even served cold, and next both the visitors, long term patients, new patients, almost of them were really, really upset. I have never seen so many troubled, upset patients at one time in my whole life. And still on top of that the waitresses they were quite rude, even had abused verbally the sick patients, and none, none of the was acceptable. Them telling any of the patients to shut up, to be quiet, to sit still is never acceptable here too and no matter what the excuses now are, were..
See also

Not so funny cartoons 2

Laughter is still a good medicine?

Not so funny cartoons

Laughter is a good medicine?

see also

The non conformer’s Canadian Weblog


The non conformer’s Canadian Weblog Recent Posts

Albertan Hate Crimes Awareness Day


cell phone cartoons

Albertan solicitor general attempts to quash the citizens democratic rights to complain.

.. It’s a sobering report into how hate crimes are reported and investigated in Alberta. 2008 statistics released by the Alberta Hate Crimes Committee shows there were 68 hate crimes identified by Calgary police last year, compared to 155 by police in Edmonton. The difference is that the cops themselves are more guilty of hate crimes in Calgary very likely for a start and so they do not prosecute the others who do the same thing. On top of that there is a significant cultural , social makeup between the mostly while collared town of Calgary, and the blue collared town of Edmonton. Calgary definitely has the larger Jews group too while Edmonton has a larger Muslim group. The committee believes the differences are in large part because of different definitions of what constitutes a hate crime. In Alberta falsely slandering, bashing the poor people, drunks , social welfare recipients, natives, immigrants, Asians, and all easterners from Canada now often, on the net as well is not considered a hate crime but it all should be. I personally have witnessed and complained about the racist behavior of the bad cops too in Calgary,Alberta which also now has more significant racial discrimination over Quebec in my own real experiences now too. Quebec is a heaven, kind and gentle compared to Alberta for sure. I personally in front of a large audience, with the news media present now too, had told openly a past Multicultural Minister of Alberta that 70 percent of Alberta were racists and I got a standing applause. The report also showed there have only been two successful prosecutions of hate crimes in Alberta over the last two years. You can start rightfully by prosecuting racist PC ministers and many Albertan evangelicals, Mormons now too.. The group believes Crown prosecutors in this province don’t have the resources to deal with these kinds of complex cases that are often very difficult to win. The Alberta Hate Crimes Committee goes onto suggest there be a specific hate crimes section put into the Criminal Code and a Hate Crimes Awareness Day established in Spring 2010. And more useless unenforced laws, unfinanced as well only makes the hypocritical politicians look good, but in fact does not help much. Better and cheaper too if the Albertan politicians, leaders lead by a real example firstly… yes starting with Prime Minister Stephen Harper too.

 I am often rightfuly upset by all those cry babies in Albeerta who complain about the other people’s dirty yards  in other provinces but they now  can’t seem to clean their own  yet and firstly too. Hypocrites..


see also

My Top political posts

My Top political posts the last few years..



Divorce And Remarriage In The Christian Church  
CRTC’s Farcical hearings on Internet speed Internet  
l care.. CANADIAN HEALTH CARE medical Health care  
Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship Church    
Christian and Missionary Alliance Corporation  

QUEBEC the second largest PROVINCE in Canada  
Basic Contract law Consumer protection  
It is getting worse for the RCMP  
swine flu – influenza A (H1N1)  Health care  
Canada’s oil sands

I do not need to pay for a Poll to know what many Canadians are interested in…