Should we deport all Muslims


So what there no is inconsistency in allowing Muslim prayers in the classroom, work while upholding the banning of a Christian praying?

“Muslim refugees do “bully, persecute and harass” Christians, who came to German refugee camps from the Middle East in search of a better life . Christian asylum seekers from Syria, Eritrea and elsewhere suffer bullying, persecution and harassment at the hands of their Muslim neighbors in refugee camps.  Sometimes, bullying ends in injuries and death threats,”  Muslims, who converted to Christianity, as the group that runs the highest risk of being abused. “They should fear for their life,” he warned, “since Muslim radicals treat ‘apostates’ as if they have no right to live.””

“Too many Muslim clerics  also do  preach violence and terrorism. The local mosques and clerics thus will continue to produce people who will be attracted to the message of radicals. And as long as the governments of Muslim countries do not stand against radical factors and principles prevalent in their own societies, and the clerics who preach it, such as Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Turkey,  etc.,  ISIS  and other Muslim terrorist  groups will continue to find a  breeding ground for their recruits.”

Arab countries should take in the  Muslim migrants but won’t. “And they’re going to try to convince us in the West that they’re peace-loving?”  “And they won’t even take their own people. Are you kidding me?”

Muslim cleric iTarik Chadlioui n Belgium incited Paris jihad murderer to kill unbelievers. Anjem Choudary Charged With Supporting Islamic State and Incitement in UK . Mustafa Kamel Mustafa or simply Abu Hamza, is an Egyptian cleric who was the imam of Finsbury Park Mosque in London, England, where he preached Islamic fundamentalism and militant Islamism. .Sheik Terra.with a Koran in one hand and pistol in the other, calls for the murder of non-Muslims, including several world leaders, on a videotape., he preaches Violence in England… Australian Muslim cleric Feiz Muhammad.has called for the beheading of Dutch anti-Islamic politician .. Bakri Sunni hadiths portray prophet Mohammad as as a violent torturer .. Egyptian cleric Fadel Soliman allows violence as he tours British universities . Another Islamic Hate Cleric uses UK as base to incite to violence and preach support for jihad savagery – See more at:…/islamic-hate-cleric-uses-uk…/ 

Poll: Half of British Muslims Support Muslim Clerics Preaching Violence – 

Pew Research recently showed that a tiny minority in many of  the  Muslim  majority  countries do now hold a favourable view of ISIS, and all of them turn out to be alarmingly high numbers  that even  provides a breeding ground for Muslim terrorism.  A ban on saying prayers in the street, a practice by French Muslims  has come into effect in the capital, Paris.  Far right protests at the “Islamisation” of the Goutte d’Or district began last year and in December the leader of the French National Front, Marine Le Pen, accused Muslim fundamentalists of using prayers for political ends.

Islam is not primarily a religion but a political control system for economic and territorial domination. It is fascism exactly like Hitler or Stalin that seeks to take over the world. A Muslim proverb says: “First we will wipe out the Saturday people and then we will eliminate the Sunday people. What is the Islamists’ highest goal? It is without doubt to be martyred in a physical battle for Allah in extending his sovereignty or the rule of his law on the Earth. and to have more sex. The highest and greatest reward for Muslim men is to go to heaven where he will have 72 bashful dark eyed virgins (houris) at his sexual disposal and whim.  The description of heaven is exactly what a 7th century Arab male would find appealing in the physical sense only: 80,000 servants, 72 beautiful sex slaves, wine and booze, fruit, shade, fine clothing and jewelry, carpets made of silk, music etc. .The systematic rapes of women  by Muslim men could be yet another consequence of the  mass Muslim migration.

0000 ISIS

Still Islam is not a religion of peace. We all can see that daily world wide.

The Imam of a Salafist Cologne mosque has said the victims of the New Year’s Eve attacks in that city were themselves responsible for their sex assault, by dressing inappropriately and wearing perfume so it is not surprising the men wanted to attack them. [Dressing like that] is like adding fuel to the fire. Absurd defense of Muslim rape.

“A female Islamic professor has claimed that Allah has allowed Muslim men to rape non-Muslim women in order to ‘humiliate’ them,   This degradation of non-Muslims is the essence of Islamic religious practice., When Muslims cry, Allahu Akbar, they proclaim their supremacy to non-Muslims because Allah has allowed them to degrade the non-Muslims. When ISIS fighters shout Allahu Akbar and rape Yazidi women, this is what it means. – Suad Saleh  a professor from  Al-Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt.  Islam hasn’t been hijacked. Even in its moderate form, it is a theology of degrading non-Muslims.  Suad Saleh’s statements are disheartening as they come from a professor at a prestigious institute that is over 1,000 years old. Al-Azhar University is a renowned institute in Cairo, Egypt, that is the oldest degree-granting institute in all of Egypt. The university is touted as “Sunni Islam’s most prestigious university.” Therefore, the statements made by the female professor are of great concerns.”

60% Germans Think their  Country Can’t Manage the Muslim Refugee Influx, 70% Say Crime Will Go Up. The dramatic change in the numbers is attributed to the Muslim rapes, sexual attacks in Cologne and other German cities on New Years Eve. The total number of complaints filed with Cologne police now stands is 653, with 331 of those involving sexual assault, and several of those assaults reported as rape. Germany’s current leaders, led by Chancellor Angela Merkel, stand accused of “betraying their own people to a future of bloodshed and committing national suicide” after they tacitly conspired to hide the rape jihad being waged by Muslim migrants on their women folk. Blaming the Non Muslims, the women for these crimes, rapes is absurdity too..

“In Egypt, victims of sexual harassment have been repeatedly denounced and blamed for the actions of their attackers.. A prominent member of another Salafist party, al-Asala, said something similar, claiming that women “sometimes cause rape upon themselves through putting themselves in a position which makes them subject to rape.” In fact, women around the world face brutal punishment — often sexualized — for having been victims of sexual violence. In Saudi Arabia, victims of gang rape face hundreds of lashes. In India, gang rape has been used to punish women for the crimes of men. All of this fits a pattern, whereby those in power use sexual violence as a political tool to control the movements of those whom they falsely see as the true source of chaos in society: women. Blaming victims of sexual assault sends  false  acceptability around the abusers’ actions by implying that the responsibility lies with the victim rather than the attacker.”

“Mass recent Immigration is bringing Islamic norms, and Islamic attitudes towards women, to the West, and it is making all free women less free, and safe women less safe. ” Now mobs of Arab, African  men descending on a European cathedral to rape Christian women , rape a common Muslim  punishment, was too much now. German police are hunting a group of up to 1,000 men after hundreds of women reported vile sex attacks in the German city of Cologne on New Year’s Eve . The majority of those arrested so far are indeed Muslim refugees, asylum seekers. When these Muslim refugees arrive in Western countries, they bring with them violent and sexist  Muslim cultural attitudes that contributed in part to the mess they fled. Most Muslims tend yo have a deep-seated hatred of all things Western .Thus there is a Rising Anti-Muslim Backlash In  America and Europe today.”