Bell Internet

April   2009  
My real continual problem is  that once I noticed that my Bell ISP is not working properly it next tends to even degenerate, get a lot worse and not better, if not addressed by me and Bell..  Now a month ago my peak download speed was 450 kps, and these days it still fluctuates between 60 to 250 only.. and my downloads definitely seriously slowed down on weekends.. especially on  Friday, Saturday and Sunday..  
Periodically now every few months, for years my Bell internet system stops functioning adequately. I have often told Bell seriously that if things are working well to leave it that way and to stop monkey around with the system, making supposed improvements, and it seems every 3 to 4 months I have to complain to Bell that their system is again not working properly and after making a lot of nose it seems they next will rectify the problem at least for a few more months
Please also do note that when the server drops my connection it next took a long time to reconnect.. I even do reconnect to different server sites from Montreal, Toronto, London- Ontario, Laval- Quebec, Regina, and even one in Africa yesterday..
A belle BeLL  technician showed up finally next and said there was nothing wrong with the net system,  so I showed him firsthand that at the same time the DSL was not working.. he got embarrssed.. and went to check the line again..
so he rechecked my internet system and next had said it was likely a faulty ACANAC modem, and bad Bell does not service Acanac’s modem.. the speed test shows it is Bell at fault…. they Bell were  giving me a low speed system..
Speed Test   done april 19, at
Download Speed: 1352 kbps (169 KB/sec transfer rate)
Upload Speed: 640 kbps (80 KB/sec transfer rate)
  and this is really unacceptable.. this is not a high speeds system.. the low download speed is consistent with what I have been having the last 2 weeks too..
 Bell now always lying for years has always told me it is someone else’s fault for the internet problem and not Bell’s
My ACANAC modem seems to be now next working adequately contrary to what the Bell technician yesterday told me again too.. 
Sadly Bell telephone is still the most dishonest pretentious corporation that I have encountered in Canada. I have dealt with them for many years, they replaced my modem 8 times, I had about 12 technicians in my home already  lying to me as well.. Bell’s typical lie next now since even when I have been with ACANAC was that all the problem’s I have been having are Acanac’s fault, or a faulty ACANAC modem.. and the last 2 Bell technicians told me that specially.. and yet after Bell leaves my home the ACANAC modem surprising works well on it’s own too…
Finally the  Latest acceptable Result:  
Download Speed: 4752 kbps (594 KB/sec transfer rate)
Upload Speed: 630 kbps (78.8 KB/sec transfer rate)
Speed Test   done April 19, at 10:27 pm
Now let us see if Bell can keep it that way..
 > Hello, Please accept our apology for your inconvenience, as we checked your DSL line is in good functional condition as it shows on Bell help desk. Please let us know if you face any problem. Best Regards, Acanac Inc.


Recognition of the problems is the first start..
What we eat, proper sleep, proper exercise, personal stress reduction  are all important as well.  While it is well known that we all thrive on a certain amount of pressure and in fact in life, for  it seems we all need some incentive pressure to do our best. However, if this pressure next becomes continual, or excessive it can be mostly be counter productive and lead to serious, unbeneficial stress.
At first, we may next  just be irritable, snappy, unable to think clearly, and make more than a few silly mistakes. However, if the now rather  bad stress, pressure continues, and we fail to do anything about it, our personal performance and even our health will signifcantly drop. We may develop serious physical, health  symptoms or mental symptoms, problems such as anxiety and eventually a serious depression. We need to face realities firstly, always.
Dramatic stress reduction also still is a real NEED in reality for many persons.  Most people still do take an ostrich approach to their fears, problems in life, rather than firstly recognizing, and  admitting the problems that  they are facing  and next researching, learning how to deal with them effectively, for example what is causing you to get a loss of sleep in reality..    
Do you also want daily, simple techniques you can use to reduce your daily stress? Do you have difficulty sleeping at night? Worried about your job, life, future? In reality there is no miracle, instant simple cure even if many will lie to you, take your money and say there is.. you have to face life, with real work, real effort to resolve your problems still generally too… including
– Overall lifestyle, personal values  review and evaluation
– Identification of major, minor stressors
– Education and evaluation of root causes of stress, Breathing exercises
– Learn to respond to your life  in a more positive and healthy way
– Support and resources for stress reduction
– Simple but very effective goal setting to help drop unnecessary behaviors and develop new and helpful behaviors
– learning to use Stress reduction techniques that are easy , useful – such as turning off your TV
  The important key also now to personal de-stressing  is getting away temporary from or removing yourself permanently from the stressor. Plus  Developing new habits which regularly remove you and distract you from stressors and stressful situations, pressures is essentially now the basis as to how to manage stress on a more permanent basis. Unresolved negative Stress is believed to trigger 70% of visits to doctors, and 85% of serious illnesses.
   Employers should provide a stress-free work environment, recognize where stress is becoming a problem for staff, and take action to reduce stress. If you believe this crap than you are really gullible and unrealistic.. It is not the employers who need to take personal responsibility firstly for dealing with the stress in your life but you yourself. Don’t falsely expect any others to look after your good welfare, that is always still your own duties, job too.
So what can we do ?
Try to manage your balance between too little and too much pressure by adapting your behaviour and thinking. Also make sure you take time out to recover from the pressures you find yourself under. Exercise and relaxation are paramount.
Tips for preventing life’s pressure turning to stress
1. Adopt a healthy lifestyle – If we eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly and ensure we get adequate rest our body is better able to cope with stress should it occur.
2. Know your limitations and do not take on too much. We cause ourselves a great deal of stress because we do not like to say no to people. We like people to like us and do not want to let people down. We then end up doing more than we should. Learn to be assertive and how to say no without upsetting or offending people. Practice saying “No” without feeling guilty.
3. Determine what causes you stress and try to change your behaviour to reduce it.
4. Avoid unnecessary conflict. Don’t be too argumentative. Is it really worth the stress? Look for win – win situations. Look for a solution to a dispute where both parties can achieve a positive outcome.
5. Learn to manage your time more effectively – We waste a lot of time doing unimportant tasks. Prioritise your day and do the important jobs first. The unimportant ones can wait, and often they will disappear completely leaving you time to do other things. Also do not put off the unpleasant tasks. Every time we think about them we cause ourselves stress. Give an unpleasant task a high priority and do it first.
6. Take time out to relax and recharge your batteries – You will perform much better after a break and easily make up the time you used relaxing.
7. Try to see things differently – If something is bothering you try to see it differently. Talk over your problem with somebody before it gets out of proportion. Often, talking to somebody else will help you see things from a different and less stressful perspective. Try to see the funny side of a situation. Laughter is a great stress reducer. When things cause you stress, try to change the situation. Sometimes however, this is not possible. If this proves to be the case recognise this and accept things as they are.
8. Find time to meet good and not bad friends. Good Friends help us see things in a different way. Bad friends will make life worse for us The activities we engage in with friends usually help us relax and we will often have a good laugh. Laughter is a great stress reducer. It boosts the immune system, which is often depleted during stress.
9 .Avoid alcohol, nicotine and caffeine as coping mechanisms. – Long term, these faulty coping mechanisms will just add to the problem. For example, caffeine is a stimulant and our body reacts to this with the stress response.
10 .If you do become stressed, engage in some form of physical activity and try a relaxation technique. Physical activity will work off the biochemical and physical changes that occur within your body due to stress. Relaxation helps your body return to its normal healthy state. Good relaxation techniques include breathing exercises, massage and a variety of complimentary therapies.
Possible quick stress reduction techniques 
If you are stressed, do one or all of these things, The key to de-stressing in the moment is getting away from or removing yourself from the stressor. In this modern world it is difficult if not impossible to immediately change some stressful situations. What we all maybe can do however is change and reduce our exposure,  enable you to change your reaction and relationship to the stressful situations.
1 stress reduction idea  – humour
Humour is one of the greatest and quickest devices for reducing stress.
2 stress reduction idea  – brisk walk and self-talk
Go for a short quick really brisk walk outside.
3 stress reduction idea   – rehydrate
Go get a cup or a bottle of water.
 stress reduction technique 4 – catnap or powernap
(Not so easy but still perfectly possible)
4 Take a quick nap. It is nature’s way of recharging and re-energising.
A quick 10-30 minutes’ sleep is very helpful to reduce stress.
Stress is caused by various factors – not all of which are work-related of course  Various US studies have demonstrated that removing stress improves specific aspects of health: stress management was shown to be capable of reducing the risk of heart attack by up to 75% in people with heart disease; stress management techniques, along with methods for coping with anger, contributed to a reduction of high blood pressure, and; for chronic tension headache sufferers it was found that stress management techniques increased the effectiveness of prescribed drugs, and after six months actually equalled the effectiveness of anti-depressants. The clear implication for these ailments is that stress makes them worse.
Stress significantly reduces brain functions such as memory, concentration, and learning, all of which are central to effective performance at work.

These are some typical causes of stress at work:
-bullying or harassment, by anyone, not necessarily a person’s manager
-feeling powerless and uninvolved in determining one’s own responsibilities
-continuous unreasonable performance demands
-lack of effective communication and conflict resolution
-lack of job security
-long working hours
-excessive time away from home and family
-office politics and conflict among staff
-a feeling that one’s reward reward is not commensurate with one’s responsibility working hours, responsibilities and pressures disrupting life-balance (diet, exercise, sleep and rest, play, family-time, etc)

Some factors influencing the effects of stress and stress susceptibility
A person’s susceptibility to stress can be affected by any or all of these factors, which means that everyone has a different tolerance to stressors. And in respect of certain of these factors, stress susceptibility is not fixed, so each person’s stress tolerance level changes over time:
-childhood experience (abuse can increase stress susceptibility)
-personality (certain personalities are more stress-prone than others)
-genetics (particularly inherited ‘relaxation response’, connected with serotonin levels, the brain’s ‘well-being chemical’)
-immunity abnormality (as might cause certain diseases such as arthritis and eczema, which weaken stress resilience)
-lifestyle (principally poor diet and lack of exercise)
-duration and intensity of stressors (obviously…)

Some signs of stress
-sleep difficulties
-loss of appetite
-poor concentration or poor memory retention
-performance dip
-uncharacteristic errors or missed deadlines
-anger or tantrums
-violent or anti-social behaviour
-emotional outbursts
-alcohol or drug abuse
-nervous habits

 Here are some simple pointers for reducing stress susceptibility and stress itself, for yourself or to help others:
-think really seriously about and talk with others, to identify the causes of the stress and take steps to remove, reduce them or remove yourself (the stressed person) from the situation that causes the stress.
-Understand the type(s) of stressors affecting you (or the stressed person), and the contributors to the stress susceptibility – knowing what you’re dealing with is essential to developing the stress management approach.
-improve diet – group B vitamins and magnesium are important, but potentially so are all the other vitamins and minerals: a balanced healthy diet is essential. Assess the current diet and identify where improvements should be made and commit to those improvements.
-reduce toxin intake – obviously tobacco, alcohol especially – they might seem to provide temporary relief but they are working against the balance of the body and contributing to stress susceptibility, and therefore increasing stress itself.
-take more exercise – generally, and at times when feeling very stressed – exercise burns up adrenaline and produces helpful chemicals and positive feelings.
-stressed people must try to be detached, step back, look from the outside at the issues that cause the stress.
-don’t try to control things that are uncontrollable – instead adjust response, adapt.
-share worries – talk to someone else – off-load, loneliness is a big ally of stress, so sharing the burden is essential.
-increase self-awareness of personal moods and feelings – anticipate and take steps to avoid stress build-up before it becomes more serious.
-explore and use relaxation methods –
– Counselling may be necessary to identify the cause(s), particularly if the sufferer has any tendency to deny or ignore the stress problem.
– Acceptance, cognisance and commitment on the part of the stressed person are essential.
The two simplest ways to reduce stress susceptibility, and in many situations alleviate stress itself (although not removing the direct causes of stress itself) are available to everyone, cost nothing, and are guaranteed to produce virtually immediate improvements. They are diet , exercise,  Sleep and rest are essential for a healthy life-balance.  Physical exercise also is immensely beneficial in managing stress. This is for several reasons:
-Exercise releases helpful chemicals in our brain and body that are good for us.
-Exercise distracts us from the causes of stress.
-Exercise warms and relaxes cold, tight muscles and tissues which contribute to stress feelings.
-Exercise develops and maintains a healthy body which directly reduces stress susceptibility.
-Exercise increases blood flow to the brain which is good for us. Exercises also releases hormones, and stimulates the nervous system in ways that are good for us.
And a final point about ‘anger management’…. anger management and stress
The term ‘anger management’ is widely use now as if the subject stands alone. However, ‘anger management’ is simply an aspect of managing stress, since anger in the workplace is a symptom of stress. Anger is often stress in denial, and as such is best approached via one-to-one counselling. Training courses can convey anger management and stress reduction theory and ideas, but one-to-one counselling is necessary to turn theory into practice. Management of anger (and any other unreasonable emotional behaviour for that matter) and the stress that causes it, can only be improved if the person wants to change – acceptance, cognisance, commitment – so awareness is the first requirement. Some angry people take pride in their anger and don’t want to change; others fail to appreciate the effect on self and others. Without a commitment to change there’s not a lot that a manager or employer can do to help; anger management is only possible when the angry person accepts and commits to the need to change. 

Canadians unaware of God’s negative consequences


Canadians unaware of the negative consequences of Murder and still wonder why there is a recession in Canada now too..
Originally published: January 20, 2009 A recently released Angus Reid poll has found that a large majority of Canadians are unaware of the lack of legal regulations surrounding abortion in Canada. The poll showed that 92 per cent of respondents were unaware that under the country’s current legal system, abortion is permitted at any time from conception to the moment of birth.  Winnipeg Member of Parliament, Rod Bruinooge, told reporters that a pro-life caucus in Parliament will be pushing for a debate on whether abortion should be legal right until the moment of birth.  He reiterated his position by stating that the lack of any legal status what-so-ever of an unborn child is a point of contention concerning the debate. The poll was released shortly after a statement by Dimitri Soudas, a spokesperson for Prime Minister Stephen Harper, that the Conservative government has no intention of re-opening the debate surrounding abortion in Canada and will not introduce or support legislation on abortion. A similar poll by Angus Reid Strategies in June 2008 showed that 46 per cent of Canadians approved of the current legal status of abortion, even if, as the most recent poll shows, they do not actually understand what that status is.  Professor William Mathie, of the Political Science Department at Brock, has written on the subject of abortion in Canada, and explained that the results of the poll are not completely surprising.  “It’s a long-standing fact that the public is generally ill-informed about the lack of any restrictions upon [abortion],” said Mathie. “That has almost always been the case. There’s a large push against talking about it at all, which means not many people ever hear anybody talking about it or see anything in the papers about it.”

Now about the abortion of adults, seniors… Too many doctors, nurses, medical staff  in Canada in reality they do not do all they can to help a sick persons and do instead let them rather suffer, die due to the incompetence, neglect, laziness, indifference   of the medical workers, unions, self regulating medical societies.