Enough is enough!


Want to get really depressed? Just visit an old age home, where you have mostly retired seniors in their late 80’s and talk to them firsthand, and often hear them say “the longer I live on earth, the more I see how wicked, corrupted place it really is”. Now I too have experienced the same thing, such as crooked lawyers, bad cops, useless civil servants, useless politicians, bad, corrupted pastors even  but I next did something good about it..
Now sadly in my course of daily activities, travel I do personally encounter too often still unacceptably abusive, wicked persons   and I have two simple choices: I take an ostrich or sheep approach and I can   pretend, lie  that I  did not see it, or that does not concern me or rather I can   take real,  positive actions to insure the same unacceptable wicked person does not repeat their bad acts.
One reason  too many wicked persons do not repent it cause they seem to think I too am only one person, another one of those too typical complainers, loud mouthed person whose bark is worse than his bite.. and it does seem we have mostly that type of complainers now too.  
But in real life there are a few things that get my blood boiling, cause my blood pressure to rise and cause me to act immediately.. that especially includes abusive pastors, abusive cops, abusive medical care workers, and crooked, accountants,  bad lawyers, crooked corporate managers, bad politicians too  now too as you all can see in posts. 
Now I too have learned the great secret in helping bad people to personally repent or to change their wicked ways.. the public exposure and the demand of their rightful prosecuting, dismissal  of the same  wicked persons, as well as their bad superiors, and generally best done not by a phone call, but rather done in writing, with many copies to the right parties, news media, ministers, elected offices and also openly to the general public next too even  such as those you do eventually see on my web blogs and created   special blogs where I do, have placed the unacceptable wrong doings of others towards me and others, and thus I let them experience their own appiroaite consequence.
Public exposure and the related prosecution of of the unrepentant wicked persons serves best interest. 

Now crooked civil and public professionals, crooked realtors, crooked accounts, crooked business persons are not the only bad guys I have encountered in Canada, there have also been the crooked hospital administrators, perverse internet service providers such as Bell and Acanac as well, where they have a very wide, oceanic gulf  between what the sales- marketing department promises and what they next do deliver as well.. and if you try to complaint too much to them they tend next to lie about you, and try to cut you off too. Bell Canada does not discriminate, show partiality, it seems ready to abuse anyone..   Canada’s telcos such as Bell  are at a clear disadvantage in the battle with the cable companies, for internet speeds as well, cable firms  have modern coaxial cable networks that support greater bandwidth use than the phone companies’ too common mostly copper wire and so in overcoming this Bell resorts to lies, false misleading advertisements for years now too.

Paul Kambulow

So who cares

Not the prime Minister Stephen Harper,  Most people only care when it concerns them





Still. This is the day that the lord has made, we will be glad and rejoice in it. 
Religious Links 

Great links

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