Do we in Canada live in a police state?

Do we live in a police state? Do you fear Stephen Harper will sic CSIS on you? 

“And the answer is definitely yes.. One Calgary Mayor, One federal Prime Minister and one Ontario Conservative Premier already sent their police watchdogs 6 times to my home to try discouraging me from writing my own views on their acts to major news editors.. all 3 of those persons now are out of office but I am still writing. BC and Alberta, Ontario Federal and provincial Conservative Ministers have falsely tried to intimidate me now as well..

I have about 30 internet sites, and hundreds if not thousands of posted messages too.. and yet the only 2 complaints that the sites have received were those post most negative about the RCMP..

my most popularity read posts of a few hundred different topics deal with the subject of Harper’s church the Christian Missionary alliance church, The Toronto airport Christian Fellowship church, the RCMP, Steven Harper and the Conservatives, and Bell- Sympatico, the CRTC.. and I often get lies and hate messages from Conservatives, evangelical pastors in Reponses. Not the people i would have expected it from firstly too..

I had even written about this yesterday too.. Conservative’s one sided attack on others, by Harper as well are most unfair. Telling the truth about the Conservatives immoral, bad acts is often falsely rejected as being hateful.. but it is not hate when the Conservatives do it??? The “ people who act irresponsibly in the name of freedom are almost never willing to take responsibility for their actions.” – Prime Minister Stephen Harper, who now also should apply this firstly still to himself and his own Conservative party and not merely preach it to others. It absolutely amazes me still as to how Stephen Harper and the Conservatives are so ready to preach about, to see the supposed sins of the Liberals, and yet they cannot firstly see their own sins, when they do the very same thing that they are accusing the liberals, others of doing.. and now why is that?

I have also clearly said that to many Conservative party supporters, the professing Christian ones included now are big liars, hypocrites, and that is undeniable now as well for decades too especially in the West and elsewhere. Canadian Conservatives loudly they claim they believe in democracy, their rights, their freedom of speech, their own right to be heard, their right to govern, but they next do too often do rather deny me my own right of free speech, my rebuttal of their lies, my detail post of their immoral acts, on the net and elsewhere openly under some false excuse, and that evidently to all now makes them liars. They also to often tend not to hesitate to abuse me, slander me, bully me, and that makes them perverts too. They really do not care about the truth, other people’s rights but mainly and solely their own it seems for sure. I too have now learned along time ago that the bad men and bad women like to disguise themselves as good persons too and they like to , want to have all the sole rights, the rights to do all the talking as well, and all it takes for these evil persons to continue to prosper is for the good persons to do nothing, well real life does not work that well, I thus do not mind, do not hesitate to tell the truth, even if they falsely label is hate, vile, and i do not mind to expose the liars, cheats, thieves, con men, imposters and to rightfully demand their persecution and incarceration too, no matter who they they they are, or how important they now do think they are.

but when I see the Conservative devil breathing down on my back next I know I am in the right path, doing something good..”

>>Have you ever been seen by a psychiatrist? I think you may suffer from paranoid personality disorder. I mean that in the gentlist, kindist way.

did you practice what you preach.. cause i would first suggest that.. you call people liars, when you yourself lie..

for the one suggesting falsely I get professional help.. I got Jesus already as my counselor.

Are you related to the bad RCMP? For actually the persons who tend mostly to suggest professional help to me tend to be the bad RCMP and bad evangelical pastors, funny the correlation, and if you check the Canmore Court records you will see they the RCMP also said to me if you do not shut up, we will shut you up for good, I am still talking, and working to cut their pensions too. The 6 undeniable police visits, witnessed by others too now, the details are posted on the net, for years now too, the Conservative Premier Ernie Ewes who sent the police to my home lost re-election shortly after that too. What was in the one email that I had sent to the Ontario Premier that he did not want others to know? I asked him why he was sleeping with… ( a person that was someone else’s wife) .. I asked the same thing of the Calgary Mayor too… Just recently a person in Ottawa who took pictures of the police abusing a girl, he site crashed and the police harassed him as well.. I posted that on the net too. It occurs often the police state suppression.. I do not have to accept it and I do not.

>>Have you ever been seen by a psychiatrist?

Yes I have twice, it is on record too..

the first time he next said I should send Harper’s Calgary alliance pastor to him cause there was nothing wrong with me… I posted that on the net too

and the second time a different one said I should send the police to him.. the police had said I had to be crasy if I complain about the police.. the often social misfit alcoholics cops who cannot bear to see, hear the truth about themselves. 50 percent of persons in BC belive you cannot trust the RCMP.

and you think the big demonstration this week against police brutality in Montreal happened by chance? or due to real reasons?

The facts are not that the RCMP wrongfully  did not hesitate to abuse a person  Robert Dziekanski   at the airport, and the fact they had clearly lied to try to justify it, but the sad fact also is that the RCMP bosses, managers were also accomplices in the whole despicable  affair with their own follow up lies and cover up and they too should be all prosecuted, dismissed, fired now too.